A Survey Of Documentary Sources That Contains The Serbian Ethnic Name in FYROM (Former Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia)
Compiled by Igor Malinovski
Skoplje 2001
the year 680 in Bythinia, city of Gordoservon is mentioned whose name is derived
from the Serbs resettled in Asia Minor by Byzantine Emperor Constance II from
the areas around river Vardar. Isidor,the Episcop of Gordoservon is mentioned
in 680/681 and the fact that this town was Episcopal Center gives ground to
the thesis that it had large Serbian population. Around year 1200 this city
is mentioned as Servochoria (Serbian Habitation).
Constantin Porfyrogenitus "De administrando imperio"
Erdeljanovich.J. "O naseljavanju Slovena u Maloj Aziji i Siriji od VII
do X veka" Glasnik geografskog drushtva vol. VI 1921 pp.189
Lequen,M. "Oriens Christianus" I, 1740, pp.659-660
Micotky,J."Otiorum Chroate", Vol. I ,Budapest, 1806, pp.89-112
Niederle,L. "Slovanske starozhitnosti" Dilu II,Svazek pp.389-399;
pp. 444-446
Ostrogorski,G."Bizantisko-Juzhnoslovenski odnosi",Enciklopedija Jugoslavije
1,Zagreb 1955,pp. 591-599
Ramsay,W.M. "The Historical Geography Of Asia Minor", London, 1890,
pp.183, pp.210
1229/1230 Bulgarian Emperor John Asen II wrote an inscription in Trnovo:"I
have took the land from Adrianopolis to Drach,Greek,Albanian and also Serbian".
Daskalov,H.S. "Otkritija v drevnei stolicji Bolgarskoi,Ternovo"Moskva,
1859 pp.18-19
Dujchev,I. "Car Ivan Asen II" Sofija, 1941 pp.23-24
Makushev,V "Bolgarija v' koncjah XII i v pervoi polovini XIII veka"
,1872 pp.56-57
the Law of Serbian Emperor Stephan Dushan (Dushanov Zakonik) issued 1349-1354
in Skoplje and Seress following peoples are mentioned in Serbia:Serbs,Greeks,Albanians
(Arbanasi) (art.77,82), Aromanians (Vlasi) (art.32,77,82), Saxons (Sasi) (art.123).
Novakovich,S. "Zakonik Stefana Dushana Cara Srpskog 1349-1354" Beograd
Ugljesha in the 1366 letter written and confirmed in Skoplje stated that he
is the master of Serbian land,Greece and Pomorje.
Novakovich,S. "Zakonski spomenici Srpskih drzhava srednjeg veka",
1912, pp.509
of Constantinopolis mentioned master of Serbia,Ugljesha in a letter from 1371.
Ugljesha's state was arround Lower Struma.
Mikloshich,F & Muller,J. "Acta et diplomata" I, 1860, pp.571
place of 1371 battle at Marica,when Kings Vukashin and Ugljesha, leading armies
from their provinces in Old Serbia ,clashed with the Turks, was named "Sirf-Sindughi"-"Serbian
Jorga,N. "Geschiste des Osmanischen Reiches" Vol.I, cap IV,pp241
the second half of 14th century, monk Isaiah said that Ugljesha has risen Serbian
and Greek army (Srbskija i Grchskiija voiska) and his brother Vukashin,and with
that army they confronted the invading Turks.
Novakovich,S. "Srbi i Turci XIV i XV veka , 1893,pp.184,
Mikloshich ,F. "S.Joannis Chrystostomi homilia in ramos palmarum",
1845, pp.71
Mikloshich,F. "Chrestomatia Paleoslovenica", 1861, pp 41
1395 Mihael Paleologos and his wife Helena established estate to Helena's father,Master
of Serbia,Konstantin Dejanovich.Konstantin's state was around river Struma.
Mikloshich,F. & Joseph,M. "Acta et dipolomata",1862, pp.260
1401 remark from goverment of Venice says about the envoy of "Konstatntin,master
of Serbia,which is arround our Drach area" (Constantini domini Servie teritorii,quod
est circa teritorium nostrum Durachii).
Ljubich,S. "Listine" 4,1874, pp.437
in the beggining of 15th century Bulgarian chronicles are written,where remark
that Turkish Sultan Murat had went to conquer either Bulgars or Ugljesha.Ugljesha
and King Vukashin has gathered great Serbian army (Sobra sja mnozhestvo voisk
Bogdan,J. "Archiv fur Slavische philologie" 13, 1891,pp.481; pp.493
from Kratovo in 1446 said that he begin to translate "Law" for the
Archbiscopate of Ohrid from Greek language into Serbian (v ezhe sastaviti mi
pisaniem srbskoga ezika sochinenie, rekshe knigu imenuemu zakonik) under order
of Ohrid Archbiscop Dorotej,who visited him in Kratovo,because Congregational
Church in Ohrid did not had that book in Serbian language (po eziku srbskom)
but only in Greek.
Kachanovski,V. "Starine" 12,1880 ,pp.255
of John Rilski are transfered from Trnovo in the Monastery of Rila.That was
descriped by Vladislav Gramatik,in 1469,who also mentioned Serbian soldiers
(Srbskiie voje) in the 1371 Marica battle.
Novakovich,S, "Glasnik Srpskog uchenog drushtva" 22,1867,pp.287
the year 1515 Gjuragj Kratovian was burnt.In his biography stands:...From the
Serbian root and guided by Holy Spirit you have left fatherland and relatives
in Kratovo and moved to the Sardakian City (Ot korene srpskago i douhom svetim
vodimi ostavil jesi otachastvo i srodniki izhe v' Kratovja, prishel jesi k'
Gradou Sardaskomu).
Novakovich.S. "Glasnik Srpskog uchenog drushtva" 21,1867, pp.154
Soranzzo from Venice arrives in Skoplje,in the province of Serbia, in the year
Matkovich.P."Rad. Jugosl. Akad." 124,1895, pp.131
Kraljevo (Romania) ,priest John has written in 1580 that he is a Serb from Kratovo
(Srbin od mjasta Kratova).
Stojanovich,Lj."Stari Srpski zapisi i natpisi" I,1902 ,pp.752
Jeremiah from the City of "Pelagon" (Bitolj) went to Russia in 1603
saying that he comed from Serbian land.
Archive of the Russian Ministry For Foreign Affairs, Year 7112,Dec.19
the October of 1605 delegation of monks went in Russia and among them was Diakon
Avksentij from the Serbian land, Nicholas Monastery in Strumica (Serbskoi zemli
nikolskoga monastira chto na Strumicja,Diakon Avksentii).
"Snoshenia Rossii po djelam cerkovnim" ,I,1858
1609,in the archive of Vatican,catholic church in Skoplje Serbia is mentioned
(La chiesa di Scopia in Servia).
Horvat,K. "Glasnik zemaljskog muzeja u Bosni i Hercegovini" XXI,1909
Sergius said in Russia that he was appointed as Mitropolit in Greven by Archbiscop
of Ohrid,Nectarij of Serbian land (Posvjashchen on na mitropoliju grevenskuju
arhiepiskop ohridskim ,Nektariem serbskoi zemli).
"Snoshenia Rossii po djelam cerkovnim" II, 1860 pp.29
of Ohrid Avram in 1634 arrived in Russia with escort.When asked,they said they
were Greeks from the Serbian land of Ohrid (Grechane Serpskie zemli iz Ahridona
Archive of the Russian Ministry Of Foreign Affairs, Year 7142,No 8
the Russian Emperor Mihail in 1641, Mitropolit of Skoplje said that he is from
Serbian land (Serbskie zemli Semion mitropolit).
Dimitrijevich.S. "Spom. Srp. Kralj. Akad." 38, 1908 pp.60a, pp 60b
Peter Heylin,English geographer writtes under the word "Servia": Principal
towns hereof : 1.Nissa 2.Vidina (by the Turks called Kiratow) 3.Cratova........9.Scopi,by
Ptolemy called Scupi.
Heylin,P. "Cosmographie in four books" London,1666
1680 Urban Cerri mentioned in his report to Pope Inocentius XI archbiscop of
Skoplje in Serbia.
Theiner,A." Vetera. Monum. Slav. Mer. Histor. Ill." II, 1875,pp 213
of Skoplje writtes about Serbia and says that Skoplje is capital city in serbia
(Scopia....metropolli di Servia).Further,He mentiones that Orthodox houses in
Skoplje are Greek and Serbian (Case Greche e Serviane).
Theiner,A. ibidem, pp. 220
Petrov from Kichevo arrived in Russia to collect funds for building church dedicated
to St. Demetrius in Kichevo.He declared himself as coming from the Serbian land
of Kichevo (Serbskie zemli goroda Karacheva)
Archive of the Russian Ministry For Foreign Affairs,Year 1706,No 7
the year 1744 Russian Empress Elisabeth adresses "Noble and honest lords
of Serbian lands in Macedonia,Skandaria,Montenegro and Primorje of Montenegrian
people,to the governers , dukes, princess and captains as well as their spiritual
and secular masters".
Milutinovich,S."Istorija Crne Gore",1835
group of French staff officers in 1807,with the permission of the Turks, traveled
around Macedonia compiling a statistical survey of the population. Apart from
Greeks,Turks,Albanians and Aromanians they found only Serbs.
Slijepchevich, Dj. "The Macedonian Question",The American Institute
For Balkan Affairs Chicago,1958
1854 request of the inhabitants of village Selce near Debar to Alexander Karagjorgjevich
22 Oktovra
Arsenije Janovich,Gavril Janovich,Damjan Markovich, Vasil Milich, Tane Ninovich,
Trifun Grujovich, Stanisha Nikolich, Cvetko Damjanovich, Despot Potnikovich,
Gligorije Naumovich i Filip Aleksich proshenijem od 21 t.m. mole Knjaza da bi
se obshtini ninoi Selachkoi u Albaniji za Crkvu shtogod knjiga pravitelstvom
srpskim za sirotinske crkve u Turskoj nabavljeni podarilo.
Djambazovski, K. et al. "Arhivska Gragja za istorijata na Makedonskiot
narod" Beograd 1979 vol I, book 2, pp. 235
Gerlach wrote in 1574 that relative of Mehmed Pasha "Became Archbiscop
in Bulgaria,and his seat is ten days away from Adrianopolis in the city of Ohrid,on
the border between Epirus and Serbia" (Zu eineim Erz-bischopff in der Bulgarey
gemacht worden,hat seinen Sitz zehn Tagreiss von Adrianopol,in der Stadt Ochrida,in
der Grantzen Epiri und Servien) .
Gerlach,S. "Tage-Buch",Frankfurt,1674, pp.64a
Bogdani had wrote in 1650 a letter of recommendation for his relative Andria
Bogdani from Albania ,saying about him that he is recommended for Archbiscopate
of Ohrid in Serbia (Proposto per L'Archivescovato d' Ochrida su in confini della
Fermendzhin,E. "Starine" 25,1892, pp.172
1651 Mitropolit of Kratovo wrote to Russian Emperor "My forefathers and
ancestors are lords of the Serbian land of Kratovo".
Dimitrijevich,S. "Glasnik Srpske kraljevske akademije", 58,1900.
In the documents of Russian Imperial House,it is recorded that Serbian Mitropolit
Mihailo(Serbskii Mitropolit Mihailo) had dinner with the Russian Emperor.He
is the same person from reference above.
"Filologicheskaja nabljudenija A.H. Vostokova".1865, pp.184
Jeromonah Damaskin,wrote a letter to his cousin,mitropolit Mihailo of Kratovo,in
which there is a statement about mercy of the Russian Emperor towards
our Serbian language (Jeziku nashemu Srbskom).
Stanojevich,Lj "Stari Srpski zapisi i natpisi", I,1902.No 1547,No
missionaries in Serbia (Servia) are mentioned and among them mr.Stefan Kratovian
(In Cratovo d.Stefano da Cratovo).
Fermendzhin,E. "Starine" 25,1892, pp.194
1665 Archbiscop Petar of Sophia wrote that:"Now in this Kingdom of Serbia
there is one Metropolitan church,that of Skoplje"(Al presente si trovano
in cotesto regno di Servia una chiesa Metropolitana,cioe,Scopia),than saying
that Pope Urban VIII in his declaration on foundation of "del collegio
Illyrico" says that there are three biscopate in Serbia :those of Skoplje,Justinijana
called Prizren ,and Nish (Che sono del regno di Servia tre vescovati:cioe Scupi,ovvero
Scopia,Justiniana detta Prisren,et anche Nissa).
Fermendzhin,E. ibidem,pp189
1666 Mitropolit Ananije of Cratovo wrote to Russian Emperor, mentioning "Mihailo,Mitropolit
of Serbs" (Mihaila Mitropolita Srbian).
Dimitrijevich,S. "Spomenica Srpske kraljevske akademije",38,1900 pp.64b
Emperor Leopold gave some privileges to the Greeks (Graeci) and Serbs (Rasciani)
who emigrated toward Northern Hungary and most of them arived from Macedonia
(Praesertim autem ex Macedonia adventum).
Vitkovich,G "Glasnik Srpskog uchenog drushtva",67,1887,pp.128;pp.131
Secretary of the society "De Propaganda Fide" wrote a report to Pope
Inocentius about Catholic Church in Bosnia and neighboring countries, in which
Biscop of Skoplje,Andrea Bogdani in Serbia (Servia) is mentioned.
Horvat,K. "Glasnik Zemaljskog Muzeja Bosne i Hercegovine" XXI,1909,pp.393
Crusius in his book mentiones "Vscopia, or Scopia, a great and populous
City of Turkey in the K. of Servia".
Crusius, M. "Turcogreciae libri octo", 1584, pp.50
1685 Catholic Archbishop of Skoplje Petar Bogdani wrote to Cardinal Cibo saying
that Turks had thrown him into exile from entire Serbia (da tutta la Servia).
Horvat,K. "Glasnik zemaljskog muzeja u Bosni i Hercegovini" XXI, 1909,
pp. 403
Jevtimije from Serbian land of Skoplje (Serbskija zemli goroda Skopija)
arrived in Russia where he delivered a request in which he says that he is Mitropolit
of Serbian land of Skoplje (Mitropolit Serbskije zemli Skopskie Crkve).
Dimitrijevich,S. "Glasnik Srpske Kraljevske Akademije" 60, 1901 pp.154
a 1756 letter main cities in Serbia (La Servie) are mentioned, and among them
Skoplje ,where Serbian Archbishop reside; Cratovo,by which province is named
(Scopia, ou reside Archeveque Rascien; Cratovo, qui donne son nom au Gouvernement).
"Le Voyager francois, ou la connoissance de l' ancien et du noveau monde
mis au jour par M. l' Abbe Delaporte", tome XXIII, Paris, 1777
950,Constantin Porphyrogenitos stated that city of Servia situated north-western
from Thesaloniki,has it's name from the Serbs and around 10th century that same
city is mentioned as Srpchishte.
Constantin Porphyrogenitos "De Administrando Imperio" cap.32, pp.152
"Starine" 14,1882 pp.163
14th century Byzantine Emperor Kantakusen mentioned Serbs near Phillipi and
Kantakusen "History", bk.II pp.256 ; pp.274
45)In the year 1584 Alexander Komulovich mentioned that in Serbia (Servia),Skoplje is principal city (Scopia principale citta) and that it is situated in the middle of the province (nel mezzo della provincia).
Fermendzhin,E. "Acta Bosniae" "Monum. Slav. Mer. XXIII 1892 pp.392
1644 a Serb,Dimitrije Nikolajev (Serbjanin' Dmitrei Nikolaev) from Kastoria,
arived in Russia.
Archive of the Russian Ministry For Foreign Affairs,Year 7156
17th Century,Hadji Kalpha,a Turkish geographer recorded that mountains of the
Castoria district are peopled by Serbs and Aromanians.He also mentiones that
on the bank of the lake between Seres,Thesaloniki and Siderocaps there is a
village inhabited by Greeks,Serbs and Aromanians.
"Rumeli und Bosna,Geographisch beschrieben von Mustapha Ben Abdalaih Hadschi
Chalfa aus dem turkischen ubersetzt von J. von Hammer" Wien 1812 pp.80;
In an inscription from 1659 stands:"Mihail Mitropit, visitor of Holy God's
Grave in the Holy Jerusalem, from the Serbian land city of Kratovo" (Mihail
Mitropolit,poklonik bozhia groba svetago Ierusalima ot Srbskie zemli grada Kratova).
"Chtenija v imperatorskom' obshtesvja istorii i drevnosti Rossiiskih pri
Moskovskom univerziteta" Moskva 1896 II 5th part pp.4a
emperor Leopold proclaimed Jovan Monastirlija from Bitolj a Vojvoda (Military
chieftain) of the Serbian nation in Austria in 1691.
Trifunoski,F.J. "Makedoniziranje Juzhne Srbije" Beograd 1995 pp.24
Ivanov,a Serb from Macedonian land arrived in Russia (Makedonskie zemli Serbin'
Bratan' Ivanov) in the year 1704.
Archive of the Russian Ministry For Foreign Affairs,Year 1704
Kapterev,N.A. "Harakter otnoshenii Rossii k Pravoslavnomu Vostoku v XVI i XVII stoletija" 1914 pp.348
1723 Gerard Cornelius von Driesch,secretary of the Austrian delegation heading
for Constantinopolis, mentioned that in Pirot there are Greeks and Serbs i this
lands (Grichen oder Raitzen dieses landes).He also mentioned place named Grobblian
eastern of Sofia saying that the greater part of its inhabitants are Serbs (Raitzen).
Cornelius,G.V.D. "Historische nachricht von der Rom. Kayser.Gross-Botschaft
nacht Konstantinopol" Nurnberg 1723 pp.84; pp.102
From 1880 to 1881 the Serbian Brsjaci Revolt (Brsjachka Buna) was fought in
the areas of Demir-Hisar,Porech and Kichevo.The leaders of this uprising were
local Chetniks:Ilija Delija,Rista Kostadinovich,Micko Krstich and Andjelko Tanasovich.
Veselinovich,V.M. "Brsjachka Buna" Beograd 1905
statement by Joseph Muller,Austrian,Medical officer in Turkish Army in early
19th century, who worked in Albania about Slavs in neighboring countries that
he visited.
"Together with Slavic community of Spiz on Triplex confinium and smaller
communities in Skadar,Podgorica and Spuzh, Serbian tribes live in eastern mountains
Altin-Ili in Dibr-Sipre in the area of Struga as well as in eastern coast of
the Ohrid Lake, further in the valleys of Rezna and Prespa in the city of Monastir
and its northeastern surrounding, in the valley Srebrnica,and by name on communities
of Optorosh,Shrbica,Mahmusha,Mrtvuca,along the left, eastern coast of White
Drim in communities of Kremovik,Mirozhizh,Cuprevo,Grebnik,Zlokuche
Joseph Muller, Albanien,Rumelien und die Osterreichisch-Montenegrinische
is understandable that the Turks preferred the patient and submissive Bulgar
to the rebellious Serb or Greek. Since the Serbian principality had gained its
freedom, the Turks regarded every Serb who declared himself to be such as a
rebellious conspirator against the Turkish regime. This circumstance was widely
exploited by the Bulgars in order to spread their propaganda among the Serbs
outside the principality. Whoever was reluctant to become a Bulgar and persisted
in calling himself a Serb was denounced to the Turks as conspiring with Serbia,
and could expect severe punishment. Serbian priests were maltreated; permission
was refused to open Serbian schools and those that were already in existence
were closed; Serbian monasteries were destroyed. In order to avoid persecution,
the population renounced its nationality and called itself Bulgarian........during
the last thirty or forty years, propaganda has been rife in which the Bulgars
have encouraged the Turks to act against Serbs and Greeks. Hence, throughout
Macedonia, Thrace and Dardania, Slavs are considered to be Bulgars, which is
quite incorrect. On the contrary, the Slavs in Macedonia are incapable of understanding
a Bulgar from Jantra. If it is desired to designate these Slavs correctly, than
they must be considered as Serbs, for the Serbian name is so popular among them
that for example male children are sometimes christened "Srbin" [Serb].
the Serbian hero of the folk poems, Marko Kraljevich is obviously the Serbian
ruler in Macedonia."
Alexander von Heksch "Die Donau von ihrem Ursprung bis an die Mundung",Leipzig,1885,pp.636
1886 Russian publicist I.S. Jastrebov published his book "Obichai i pesni tureckih
serbov v Prizren,Ipek,Morava,i Dibra" ("Customs and songs of the Turkish Serbs
in Prizren,Pech,Morava and Debar) in which the following reference to the important
Serb custom of "Slava" is found: "Slava is celebrated by Serbs not only in Serbia,in
Austria,Hungary,Bosnia,Montenegro,Kosovo,Morava and area of Prizren,but also
in the areas of Skopje,Veles,Prilep,Bitola and Ohrid,including also Debar and
the area of Tetovo.All inhabitants in the mentioned area who speak with the
Slavo-Serbian dialect keep that custom holy."
Jastrebov,I.S. "Obichai i Pesni tureckih serbov v Prizren,Ipek,Morava i Dibra",1886,pp.1-2
56) A List of topographical names in Old Serbia (FYROM) with the characteristic Serbian root "Srb-": Srbinovo, near Tetovo; Srbica, Srbjani , Srbjan Dolence in the Area of Bitolj (Bitola,Monastiri);Srbce and Srbci south from Bitolj;Srbinovo in the area of Gorna Dzhumaja (Pirin area in Bulgaria);Srbinica,river source near the village of Podles.
V.K'nchov "Makedonija" ,Sofia,1900 pp.256
M.A. Vujucic "Recnik mesta u oslobodjenoj oblasti Stare Srbije",1914,pp.241
V.K'nchov Ibidem pp.191
V. K'nchov Ibidem pp. 238
V. Radovanovic: "Tikves i Rajec", Etnogr. Zbornik XXIX pp.457
J.F. Trifunoski "Makedoniziranje Juzne Srbije",1995,pp.33
57) An observation by the Austro-Hungarian Field Marshal Anton Tuma von Waldkampf: "In Macedonia Serbs are living, partly in the great plain of Bitolj,partly in Vardar plain and are particularly compact in the valley of Tetovo"
Anton Tuma von Waldkampf "Griechland,Makedonien und Sudalbanien",Leipzig,
1897 pp-214-215
58) Remark of Dr. Karl Oestreich about Skoplje: "The city's population consist of all possible elements-some of whom have come out in favor of the Bulgarian Exarchate and call themselves 'Bulgars'-and Albanians or Mohammedanized Serbs. Although it is situated south of Sar-planina, Skoplje is the chief city of Old Serbia.....the rural population, although it is Serbian in origin, has for the most parts given its support to the Exarchate, since a Bulgarian bishop is for them more acceptable than a Greek bishop of the Ecumenical Church to which they formerly belonged. This is how the rural population around Skoplje has today come to be mostly Bulgarian; the same is true of the purely Serbian Tetovo".
Oestreich "Makedonien" Geographische Zeitschrift, Vol.X, No.1, 1904,pp
59) Referring to the establishment of the Bulgarian Exarchate in Macedonia,Karl Oestreich noted: "A considerable part of the rural population, although it then felt to be Serbian, seized the first opportunity of obtaining Slavic priests and so declared itself to be Bulgarian......Whoever joined the Bulgarian Exarchate was registered in the Turkish population records as "bulgari-milet" and to the world as large was a Bulgar".
Oestreich "Die Bevolkerung von Makedonien",Geographische Zeitschrift,Vol.
XI, No.1,1905,pp.291
Theodor von Sosnosky wrote about Bulgarian Propaganda in Macedonia: "What
this methods were the Greeks, Serbs and Turks of this unhappy land felt on their
own backs. By plunder and arson, rape and murder, armed bands tried to make
them come to the Bulgarian side".
Theodor von Sosnosky "Die Balkanpolitik Osterreich-Ungars seit 1886,Stuttgart-Berlin,1914, Vol.II,pp.129
World War I, the Bulgarian troops under the command of first lieutenant Protogerov
were ordered to inflict reprisals upon the population east of Kumanovo for an
attack made on some Bulgarian troops.Before the reprisal measures were begun,
the entire population declared that it was Bulgarian, purely in order to avoid
being punished.Protogerov was greatly perplexed. Here is a quote by Gilbert
in der Maur regarding this event:
"Then Protogerov's aides had an idea: they asked who celebrated the 'slava'.Those
who did so were shot, since the celebration of the 'slava' is a sign that one
is a Serb:it is a custom which the Bulgarians do not have".
Gilbert in der Maur "Jugoslawien einst und jetz" Leipzig-Vienna, 1936,pp.330
62)"Although the Serbian national epic found its fullest realization in the regions of the northwest, nevertheless a considerable part of its material was taken from Southern Serbia.And Vice Versa: many poems which originated elsewhere found their way to Southern Serbia, were sung here and inherited".
Alois Schmaus, "Dichtung","Mazedonien: Leben und Gestalt einer
Landschaft",Berlin,1940 pp.106
63)Hungarian historian Bonfini wrote about "Macedonia,which is now called Serbia" ("Macedoniam quam Serbua nunc appelant").
Ant.Bonfini "Rerum Hungarii Indec." II lib IX,Viennae, 1774 pp.248a
64)A conclusion by the linguist Petar Draganov about the songs of "Macedonian Slavs":"It is a strikingly obvious that within the circle of Cars,Kings,dukes,heroes and other individuals of this songs one can find only persons and significant events from the medieval,new and latest Serbian history".
P.Draganov "Makedonsko-Slavjanskii Sbornik" pp.VIII (n.d.)
65)Bulgarian publicist Rakovski noted in the 19th century that Macedonian emigrants in Srem and Southern Hungary called themselves Serbs and Greeks.
G.S.Rakovski "Gorski Patnik" pp.267,268 (n.d.).
Email: igor_malinovski@hotmail.com